India Fights Corona

Let us start by asking a small question. What is COVID 19 pandemic all about? I am sure that all of you might have some ideas, opinions in your mind regarding this pandemic, administration and so on. It's a complex thing and such pandemics doesn't occur very frequently. So let us firstly know what is a pandemic? "It's a widespread of a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world." As we all know the Corona virus which is responsible for SARS-CoV-2 disease is found all over the world and the entire planet is struggling to make a way through it. Some countries as well as some parts of India did a good job in handling such medical emergency but some areas lagged behind. What's the reason of the virus being spread so alarmingly? If we go to see, the first COVID case in India was reported in Kerala around January 2020. Henceforth, the entire country was a COVID hotspot. India faced the first wave last year around March to October, it was in ...