Aamchi Mumbai Ep. 7

Delicacies of Mumbai The aspect of food culture is an essential part while writing about a particular place. similarly Mumbai offers one of the best and most loved foods which is famous worldwide. The city offers food from all over the world, you are able to eat any cuisine from any part of the world in Mumbai. Mumbai has some of its own mouth watering delicacies. Let's explore some of the major foods of Mumbai • Vada Pav : How can one miss the absolute yummy Vada pav while talking about Mumbai food culture. Crispy vada of smashed potatoes with pav and various tangy delicious chutneys is the identity & signature street food of Mumbai which was invented in 1966. An ordinary Mumbaikar, Ashok vaidya outside Dadar station firstly fried a vada and served with a pav and made a history. The starting of sale of Vada pav has a different reason behind it, this was an effort of Balasaheb Thackeray who urged his fellow Maharashtrians to become entrepreneurs to increase the empl...