
Showing posts from August, 2019


A way to a healthy lifestyle.... In our day to day busy schedule, we have forgotten being healthy and it's side effects are weight gain, lack of sleep, no peaceful mind and invitation to various diseases etc this affects our mental health also.. So what are the main causes of ours being unhealthy and unsatisfied with life.. Here are some tips you can definitely follow. 1. Healthy eating We all know that eating healthy is really difficult because it doesn't have a good tempting taste or it is very boring to eat. Remember one thing that if you are starting something new in your life start with a optimistic attitude i.e. try to add healthy food in your diet rather than just decluttering unhealthy eating habits . This is because most of the people when they start being healthy the first thing they do is declutter. And after some days they feel tempted by all kinds of junk foods etc. So to avoid this start adding healthy things first and after that you can slowly avoid unheal

Self help 2

Topic 2 : HOw TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE.. Being more effective is always better for us. If a normal person takes one hour to complete a task then a effective person takes just 15 minutes to complete the same task. Here are some tips and tricks to be more effective and successful in life. I am sharing some habits of effective people which you can also follow..... 1. They read a lot People say "today a reader tomorrow a leader". This is absolutely correct. By reading we can gain much knowledge and this helps in building our personality. In your free time read a book of your choice. And trust me this will help you in many ways. 2. Time management It is well said " Never hurry and never worry" . Proper time management is a must . For this you can break down your work in small tasks. And when you finish the tasks tick mark over it , this will help you to finish the whole work easily without getting exhausted. "No person plans to fail but they fail to plan".

Self help1

Live life to the fullest…. -Enjoy every moment Everyone's life is not perfect ,In today’s generation every person is begging for happiness instead of understanding that every life situations demand a different you. And one will have to undergo tensions ,stress , anxiety and difficulties in this life one day or the other. So let us find out some ways to be calm and happy at your down times and live this wonderful life more happily. 1) Be happy all the time Happiness is a very difficult topic to cover because every person has different notions of being happy. For someone earning more wealth is the key to be happy , for someone getting a good job is the way to be happy , for someone being with friends and family for enjoyment is the best way to have happiness. But in reality, above all is not the real happiness that our soul feels. Most of the people in this world are not happy and satisfied as they follow if…..then theory. For example if I get a good job then I will be happy