>> Healthier minds generate power >>
In this fast paced life maintenance of mental health is a must. For this we must have optimistic thoughts and we must know how to deal with stress. A wise quote states " A optimist laughs to forget and a pessimist forgets to laugh". A key to productive and peaceful mind is optimal behavior. Not everyday is good but there is something good in everyday.
Express gratitude towards little things in life. There is no need that something great has to happen for us to get happy. Even sweet sounds of birds chirping🐦, breeze blowing🍃, lush greenery🌳 can make us happy. We must set our own definition of happiness😊. To make certain good decision in life, firstly think about the advantages and that will help you to gather the will power to complete your goals.
Purifying thoughts :
Learning something new never stops, we human beings keep on learning new things in our day to day life. And we must keep ourselves engaged in exploring exquisite world and facts. Thinking about various thoughts that crosses our minds can become very useful and interesting. Whenever planning something, that first thought which comes to the mind is purest one. Don't allow the world to seek in and force you to doubt yourself.
Never use 'but' in your decision if you are firm about it. Instead use 'and' which makes your mind work on procuring more things whereas 'but' forces your mind to rethink the planned decision and disturb it's purity.
Ingenuity about any topic or resolution takes place in your mind first.
So let's make our minds more optimistic and healthier to promote accumulation of beautiful and dreamy thoughts...


  1. Excellent - with philosophical touch !

  2. Wow.....really good , hope this generation tries to follow wat u have mentioned...good for all of us

  3. Lovely post Shambhavi. You are absolutely right.

  4. 😀thankyou all for encouraging comments

  5. Deep thinking...small things do make us happy... but v try to find our happiness in material things...u penned ur thoughts beautifully...great going Shambhu

  6. Excellent thoughts expressed by you Shambhavi. Well done . Tanuja

  7. Very nice ...best one so far.. It's really very important to count our blessings ...must learn to enjoy smallest of the thing be it a small flower at roadside..like you wrote about ' but' in the decision, same way it should be taken with neutral attitude and never ever when mind is flooded with emotions.. great going Shambhavi... Shraddha atya.

  8. Shambhavi, you have very nicely blended two important aspects of human life - Healthier Minds & Generation of Power.

    Very nicely conveyed your readers that ‘True wealth is having a Healthy Mind which will always generate good Power to think and act rationally.’

  9. Beautiful Thoughts .
    Healthy mind is essential as it sets everything right.
    Looking forward to more articles


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