Our Education System

A short story to present before you all. Once a examination was held in the forest and for the fair selection the activity given was to climb a tree. whoever climbs first ,scores the highest marks. All the monkeys danced with joy because climbing trees was a very easy task for them but the fish inside the pond kept on telling itself that it's whole life was useless.

I think, Every person is special. Born with some special talents. Keeping in mind, all children are not the same, way of understanding, answering and perceiving things differ from child to child. But unfortunately, every single child is forced to answer a common examination at the end of the academic year. The whole year's performance of child is gauged at the fag end of the scholastic year by asking questions selectively. Instead ,the progress report of every student should be based on day to day performance of the student...
I came across a convincing passage in one of the book that education till date is made a goal oriented and competitive process . It is further seen that our examination system makes child to focus on future rather than present. All the efforts are made by a student in concentrating on the exams to be conducted in future and by conveniently neglecting to gainfully learn from the present. Child fails to perceive the present moment and focus on future i.e. exams.

I think, An ideal education system should be based on the premise in which students should have freedom to choose subjects as per their interest. For example basic maths should be compulsory but students who want to pursue higher education in fields which are concerned with math as a subject, should have a option to opt for advanced maths. It is further seen that, History subject mainly offers knowledge about past. Great warriors, kingdoms, revolutions etc. Its main objective is to make pupils get some moral out of it and learn something from the past. But as a subject , in the present scenario it teaches us only to remember the dates of historical events but it fails to make us learn why a particular movement or revolution took place.
A beautiful quote represent my thoughts
" Education is not memorising 6 million jews were killed by Hitler. Education is about understanding how the rest ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required. "

I agree that basic knowledge should be acquired by pupils. The performance Students should be evaluated based on their interests and skills. Whenever skill and interest combine, it leads to the path of SUCCESS.


  1. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

  2. You made a lovely point, Shambhavi. You presented your point of view very nicely. It also reflects your clarity of thought. Keep it up.

  3. Very nicely written. This thought comes to almost every mind when studying. You have expressed it well. Keep up your good writing.
    Blessings from Dipaliatya

  4. Nicely written. This thought comes to almost each n every child. You have expressed it very well. Keep up your good writing. Blessings from Dipaliatya.

  5. You have kept finger on bottleneck in present educational system . Present day examinations have become memory tests and not testing the knowledge of the student. - Very Good !

  6. True..indian education system needs to be changed..but currently we need to be in the system and follow ..but I can say that i was lucky that my parents never gave importance to grades and never made me follow the croud...and so i could develop the talent in myself. Same way I m following it to develop my child. We all are lucky to come from a family who allows us to think out of the box. And which is the need of the hour. Very good shambhavi..proud of u..always with u

  7. Thanks all for encouraging commentsπŸ˜€πŸ™

  8. Well written with excellent views on our exam oriented education system where learning takes a back seat. All the very best in life.


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