What is Success ๐Ÿค”

PART : 1
Whenever we think of the word "success" , we imagine a person with money, fame and authority. Here, we make a great mistake i.e. we relate money and fame with success. Net worth of a person, is not the ONLY notion to determine how much successful a person is.

I Heard a very interesting concept in a YouTube video,
We have to keep all 'H's working that is Hand, Head and Heart, when only our Hands works then its a labour, when Hand and Head both work it becomes a skill and when all 3 'H's work together it becomes a art. So in any field all our 'H's should be properly working together and when we love what we do, obviously we become more productive at workspace.

I think, We shouldn't overlove money, because money, fame, authority are all not of a great importance if we don't have peace of mind or contentment. The person having lots of money also craves for peaceful mind.

Imagine a person who is excellent in his work and owns a huge amount of money but has to take anti anxiety pills , sleeping pills and counselling sessions time to time. So , people consider such person  successful and he inspires many of his subordinates but no one knows what exactly he feels from within after reaching to the peak of success. For example, Michael Jackson who was tremendously successful in his career, owned the most expensive bed but had to take many sleeping pills daily and still lacked to have a good sleep.
True feeling of success is having job satisfaction at the end of the day.
One more common thing that all successful people relate to is that, they don't have time for their family and even for their own self.
People work for many hours constantly without taking breaks. But rarely they have time to take care of their health and fitness.
People must take out some quality time for their family and for their own. Success is what you are doing, should help you to lead a peaceful , happy and a better life.
One of the quote states, "Satisfied life is better than successful life, because our success is measured by others but the satisfaction is measured by our own soul , mind and heart."

So all we can do is , strike balance between work and family life. Respect money but don't love it more than anything else. Work smart ,be productive and be happy. And always remember "Success is not the key to happiness. But happiness is the key to success".๐Ÿ™‚
To Be Continued >>


  1. Lovely simple well put up. Loved the three H's point. Keep it up dear.

  2. lovely๐Ÿ˜keep it up๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

  3. Very nice ....keep going....Very thoughtful....

  4. Excellent Shambhavi ! Your viewpoint is very Profound and Pragmatic..
    In our society only wealthy people are considered successful. As you have rightly emphasized it's time we Redefine Success..

    Surekha Kaki

  5. Very nice shambhavi...profound thinking at this young age..keep it up

  6. Very nice Shambhavi, way to go ..we have to decide success for ourselves , define it as per our requirement , standard and not by that of others . I believe when you are happy and satisfied with work close to your heart and get good sleep in the night , success lives with you. Shraddha atya.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yes, there are many definitions for success, but there's one thing all the greats agree on: ‘Success only comes by persevering despite failure.’

    Good article. Looking for a continuation of this article.

  9. Good writeup ...thoughts r very matured...keep writing..


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