Make Children Read...πŸ“š

We always hear that reading is very important for kids. But not all children find reading interesting, instead they prefer mobile games over the books. It's not their fault at all. The changing lifestyle of today's world has a impact on kids also, where they find games, movies and tv shows more interesting and fascinating. So let's see how to inculcate the habit of reading amongst children. 
[•] Finding their interestπŸ˜‡
Children have varied interests... A quote worth remembering is, "If you don't like reading, you didn't find a good book yet". This is important because children prefer spending their time in what they absolutely love and not because anything is necessary or essential for them. So for this, parents can take their kids to the nearest libraries and let them roam freely and find books of their choice. Let them feel free to choose any book or magazine. That time parents can make a note and observe which type of books they pick and discuss with them about their choices in detail. The parents should take their kids to various libraries because, to exactly identify their interests, several such visits will be necessary. This will indeed help kids to choose the books of their interest and they will also love to read those books. 

[•] Read out loud πŸ”‰
Most of the children especially small ones, find reading a book very boring. Because it can be difficult to read and understand some big words. To make reading books more joyful and to easily understand its contents, the parents can read out the stories loudly while they go to bed. It will help the children to improve their vocabulary and word treasures and they will simultaneousely develop listening skills. The parents can pick some good moral stories for their kids, this will help the child to digest the concepts well. Because prior to the sleep, our mind is always more receptive to the thoughts. So this can prove to be the best routine activity as well. 

[•] Strictly follow❗
Each day atleast 5-6 pages reading is must. The parents have to impress upon the kids regarding how important reading is. When children will know the advantages and merits of reading everyday, they will responsibly develop habit and interest in reading. They should actually experience that "Reading is dreaming with open eyes". The kids can just glance through book and try to observe the pictures and learn simple words. This can also be advantageous in improving their spellings and observational skills. 
Reading is considered as a boon because it has many benefits viz. it augers imagination power, improves vocabulary, aids sleep, broadens knowledge etc. 
These few tips can be followed to make children read because now a days the image of a child reading a book is hidden behind the image of a child playing video games. 
Some children may develop this habit very fast, some may take a while. But when they start having interest in reading,they will enjoy a lot.


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