Combating COVID -Be a Warrior not a Worrier

What can we learn from this pandemic :
#2020WorstYear, #Hate2020 these kinds of hashtags are floating around on internet and social media nowadays. Take a moment and think, why this year has been different from previous years? 
Because of covid 19 pandemic, we all are stuck at homes albeit with all facilities such as phones, internet, televisions, even social media to stay connected with our family and friends. But its not enough for us, we still complain. 
Let's have a look at what have happened earlier in this century. 
Before this, many pandemics and wars took place. For example, Spanish flu, world war l, WW2 etc. That time people weren't as fortunate as we are now today. They lacked knowledge and proper information. The modes of entertainment, supply of food and basic necessities were lacking. But still they withstood those adversaries with total faith that everything will going to be normal soon and came out with triumph. 

In today's world, people desperately long for quick solutions therefore we lack patience and we tend to loose hope easily. No doubt that the present situation we all are going through is not easy because, we never taught ourselves to know the reality of life and how things can drastically change within no time. Our brains are not prepared to face this kind of difficult times and even some of us are capable to tackle, we do not have patience during adverse times. Because we are used to fast forward life viz. the fast delivery of goods, speedy internet etc. and all have indirectly engulfed our lifestyle. We, the human beings only have made pace of our life unnecessarily faster and we almost forgot to enjoy the actual rhythm of life and nature. 
This pandemic has made us to slow down and further proved that everything in this world is transitory. We must not forget that our life, good times, bad times etc cannot last forever. 
Many people lost their jobs. Many migrant labours suffered. In recent past, we have experienced that everything was closed except essential services. Now everyone should understand that we can live comfortably without having junkfood, makeup, movies in multiplex etc. 
One more positive thing we should observe is, our nature have started healing after a long time. Because, these days vehicle, industrial and all sorts of pollution is drastically reduced. Some migratory birds started to arrive. There is no much garbage on much roads as compared to earlier times.
A microorganism called the corona virus has infact changed our perspective to look things around us. Many countries are facing financial crisis, some countries are largely affected by this pandemic. No one was aware of this happening. It's a wise saying that, "No one can predict the future, so you have to live life to the fullest now". Our mother nature has given us this opportunity to think and introspection. Because , " We are guests on this earth not her masters".
None of us can imagine what's going to happen next. Post covid situation is not going to be same. This Impact will stay with us for quite some time. Henceforth, the people will think twice before gatherings in large numbers, shaking hands and hugging.
But idea worth recalling is, we can now too stay content, healthy and calm sitting at homes, watching movies on tv, calling our family members or friends whom we cannot meet, exercise and meditate to keep our body and soul at peace, Listening to music for a while.We all can convert this lockdown as an opportunity to do what we desires to do for a long. We never know what will come next, so till then be happy, stay safe and live life to the fullest. 
#IndiaFightsCovid19 #StayHomeStaySafe


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