What is Success🤔

Part : 2
In the previous part of 'What is Success', I had put my thoughts before you all about, Satisfaction is more important than a success. And we shouldn't over love money. So here's the second part of 'what is success series'. Here you will read about how to deal with failure. 
We all come across a buzzing phrase in our lives, "Failure is the first step towards success". Let's take a moment and think about it, Failure is a negative word but many times it leads to some positive outcomes too. When we face failure in life, it makes us realise to work even more better to succeed, it also acts as a motivation for us to keep ourselves growing everyday. 

Failure has negative impacts too. For example, some people fail to muster up the courage and start working again, some may also start underestimating themselves, some often lack self confidence etc. People may find it difficult to digest these feelings. But failure, rejections, oppositions shouldn't be the reason to give up. Many successful personalities faced tremendous failures like, Thomas alva edison, the famous scientist who invented light bulb once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". But his efforts and positive outlook made him a person that we all know today. 

To overcome the feelings of non-success, firstly, we must have faith in ourselves. Believing in our own capabilities and mind will help us to beat all these negative thinkings. We must be constructive and know the mistake which were done last time. Thinking on failures for long is not wise. But being analytical and working on mistakes can  prove to be the best thing possible. "Genius is not the person who knows all the solutions but the one who remains longer with problems". If we think and carry out our work in such way then we will definitely be able to have courage to try AGAIN and succeed this time. 

Working hard towards achieving goal is a necessity. Wise quote states, "There is no elevator to success, you must take the stairs". Ingenuity, faith and hope leads us to achieve what we desperately want. We should make vision boards of our goals and affirmations. So whenever we see those boards our mind will subconsciously work on fulfilling and execute it... Always remember, "The distance between dream and your goal is action". So Dream, plan and do....😀


  1. So nice. Keep writing and growing beta. Love it!

  2. Try try till u succeed.. dream about something which will not make u sleep....good mummu

  3. very nice shambhavi. proud of u😊😘

  4. " Never mind failures , they are beauty of life . When struggle ceases , there will be end of life " ___ these are words of Swami Vivekanand ... and you have very well emphasised this thought in your very well written and planned essay . Congrats !

  5. That's just the kind of positive inspiration one needs every once in a while. Thank you so much Shambhavi! Well said!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When persons, who are afraid to try and who are afraid you will succeed, tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world, be sure ‘you will make a big difference achieving big success’! This is well explained in a very easy to understand way.


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