Music of the earth๐ŸŒ๐ŸŽผ

"The earth has the music for those who listen." - William Shakespeare
We all know about various types of melodies, songs etc. But we rarely focus at our mother earth's music which lies in the nature and in our surroundings which is of eternal peace. Due to the fast paced and volatile world we almost forgot to listen to the birds, voice of the rain,  trees, wind and water. Once we start interacting with nature and follow it's rhythm and slow down, all the stress tends to get dissolved. The green planet has it's own style, it's not like the other music which has some particular rhythm according to which the singer sings or plays. Earth is sometimes slow & sometimes drastically paced. But the conclusion here is Life has its beautiful flow and rhythm to enjoy, our job is to live and feel the vibes as it emanates. 
The earth has its own capabilities to strike balance and allows us to rejuvenate with it. The air, water, greenery, animals together beautifies this living planet.  It's well said, "If you truly love nature, you'll find beauty in everything".
Nature is a miracle itself. Every morning the sun rises and sets in the evening. At night we get to see the beautiful moon from our windows. Centuries after centuries passed but the nature remains unchanged. Human life is short but the nature is perpetual. Some trees shed their leaves in the month of autumn. It rains for few months in the year. Sometimes the shower is gentle some times it rains heavily, the sea never gets tired and has never stopped and never will. All this happens without our notice. This indicates that we aren't the masters of this planet. We share almost everything with other living organisms here, oxygen, water, food etc. We are guests on the earth for a short period of time.
A few human beings make our planet disgraceful. People should understand the reality and work towards making this planet even more mesmerizing. We can contribute a little towards saving environment through making small changes in the daily routine such as, using water carefully, reusing plastic bags, avoiding plastic wastes, planting more trees etc. Small steps can lead to a better tomorrow and also it's needful for the future generations. 
Then our earth would turn into a heaven itself. "The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with the 'Nature'. "


  1. It's human nature to start taking things for granted again when danger isn't banging on the door..
    You have expressed it very well, that we can contribute a little towards saving environment, which is needful for the future generations.

    Surekha Kaki

  2. I read the article with all the patience I’ve and realized "The earth has the music for those who listen" is beautifully explained. Taking this topic itself is a great idea.

    Uday Barad

  3. It's a fantastic write-up Shambhavi.Experiencing the melody of mother earth through every bit of nature around us can really work towards inner bliss for human beings.

  4. The topic is really subtle for ur age butyou have presented it very skillfully.. All d best Shambhavi Alka Varde


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