Better environment... Better tomorrow

Environment is degrading day by day. Now it's a high time to think about how every human being is unknowingly contributing for worsening environment, and how we all can collectively work towards building a good environment for us and for the coming generations by following the concept of 'sustainable development' i.e. "meeting the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs". This is exceptionally helpful to protect the sustainability of the earth as responsible citizens. 

It's time to educate ourselves regarding the ever boiling issue of environmental degradation. We see, hear almost everyday in newspapers that the climactic conditions are changing, global warming is on the rise, water levels are depleting, many species are on the verge of extinction. Many a times we conveniently ignore these serious matters which can unfathomably trouble us in coming years. 

If we go to dig a little deeper, we come to know that almost every invention took place till now went against the flow or the pre existing natural phenomenon. I believe that inventions were made for our benefit and they still are advantageous for us in many ways, but some of them go against the nature and this gradually contributes towards aggravating environmental conditions. For example, the Air Conditioners (A.C.) which are found in almost every household. The ACs keep the climate inside room cooler but makes the temperature increase outside, all this to some extent leads to hike in the temperature all around. Automobiles cover the distance within two places in shorter time, so the gases released from such engines are harmful which leads to air pollution similarly the large scale industries emit huge amount of green house gases which too is the cause for air, water and noise pollution. 
Nevertheless, our internet usage too leads to global warming. Yes! This fact will surely make our jaws drop. Some reports say, "In terms of greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, internet use accounts for 3.7% of global emissions, i.e. the equivalent of all air traffic in the world." Google is an inevitable part of our lives but "With 3.8 million searches performed every minute, google accounts for the same amount of carbon dioxide emissions as the production of 3,800 plastic bags." The above data is astounding for us, these are our habits which we undertake everyday and we unknowingly contribute towards all such terrible environmental conditions. One won't be able to believe that chatting with friends, family on social media, watching YouTube for hours, searching information on google can cause global warming to such an alarming extent.
Of course, as both sides of the coins, these inventions and technologies made our life much easier and faster and we cannot imagine surviving without these technologies. However the human beings must think about how we can put up more efforts and contribute to the process of making the earth more greener and cleaner. 
We can limit the time durations of using such machineries. For example, turning off the AC when not required or limiting its use, switch to cycling or walking to a close by area, save electricity by switching off the fans, lights which are kept On unnecessarily, avoid using more technology when you are able to do things in conventional way, save water in any way you can and strictly avoid plastic use. The whole world is in our hands whenever we think of becoming environmental friendly or do something for our earth, the thought "Nothing will happen/change with my little efforts alone." strikes our mind and we stop being the change makers. All these steps seems smaller but it will have huge impact if everyone starts implementing such practices. 
Taking care of environment is the duty of every person and all must perform this as per their capabilities. 
“No generation has a free hold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy-with a full repairing lease.” brilliant words by Margaret Thatcher.


  1. Environmental studies are absolutely essential to educate people , as a result individuals develop understanding of environmental issues !
    You have touched on a burning topic , Congratulations !

  2. ‘Better environment... Better tomorrow’ is nicely explained and you have very neatly explained some of the cares we need to take to ensure better tomorrow.

    You are very right explained how our earth is getting polluted day by day, it is a difficult task to regain the cleanest place that was once earth. And human actions are doing none to deter the rising pollution, but rather helping in increasing it.

    If we are to leave a world for future generations, we must act fast to make sure that we don't increase the pollution of the earth. Only then can we make sure that the world we leave for the future is what we want our children to live in.

  3. Very nice shambhavi...i hope every youth thinks like u..this could really help to change the world

  4. Environment is a precious gift on this planet which is facing great danger. Saving Environment is a need of the hour & one of biggest concern of humanity which you have very well emphasized. Congratulations 👍

    Surekha Keny

  5. अभिनंदन शांभवी,खरंच खूप गंभीर समस्येवर तू विचार प्रक्रिया चालू केली आहेस.ईश्वर निर्मित ह्या सुंदर सृष्टीवर अत्याचार करण्याचा मानवाला अधिकार नाही ह्याची प्रकर्षाने प्रत्येक व्यक्तीला जाणीव होईल तो सुदिन लवकर येवो ही प्रार्थना करूया

  6. Very well written Sambhavi! You have made some excellent points. Keep writing sweetheart....

  7. So nicely put up, inspiring n well versed wit all realites keep it up dear..


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