
Showing posts from September, 2020

What is Success🤔

Part : 2 In the previous part of 'What is Success', I had put my thoughts before you all about, Satisfaction is more important than a success. And we shouldn't over love money. So here's the second part of ' what is success series'. Here you will read about how to deal with failure.  We all come across a buzzing phrase in our lives, " Failure is the first step towards success" . Let's take a moment and think about it, Failure is a negative word but many times it leads to some positive outcomes too. When we face failure in life, it makes us realise to work even more better to succeed, it also acts as a motivation for us to keep ourselves growing everyday.  Failure has negative impacts too. For example, some people fail to muster up the courage and start working again, some may also start underestimating themselves, some often lack self confidence etc. People may find it difficult to digest these feelings. But failure, rejections, opposit

Combating COVID -Be a Warrior not a Worrier

What can we learn from this pandemic : #2020WorstYear, #Hate2020 these kinds of hashtags are floating around on internet and social media nowadays. Take a moment and think, why this year has been different from previous years?  Because of covid 19 pandemic, we all are stuck at homes albeit with all facilities such as phones, internet, televisions, even social media to stay connected with our family and friends. But its not enough for us, we still complain.  Let's have a look at what have happened earlier in this century.  Before this, many pandemics and wars took place. For example, Spanish flu, world war l, WW2 etc. That time people weren't as fortunate as we are now today. They lacked knowledge and proper information. The modes of entertainment, supply of food and basic necessities were lacking. But still they withstood those adversaries with total faith that everything will going to be normal soon and came out with triumph.  In today's world, people desperate